Tuesday, August 16, 2011

The truth

Truthfully, I wanted to post another "thing I love" but I would be dismissing the fact that life isn't always a bed of roses, especially when it comes to a move.

This move has gone more smoothly than I could have planned (shout out to the Big Kahuna upstairs).  We've had a beautiful apartment to live in for the past three months.  Our contractor has been amazing- even finishing ahead of schedule.  The "U and left turn" sign isn't leaving me cursing nearly as much.

Yet, three weeks of back and forth to the house, and not having it be our home just yet, can play with one's emotions.  Something in me snapped the other day.  I was grumpy, tired, and just plain fed up with having a nesting instinct, but not being in my nest.  Patience anyone?  I think- no - I know, God was using that moment to teach me.  Driving back to the apartment alone, I broke down in tears.  It dawned on me that we've invested in this house, so that we might enjoy the fruits of it.  But God wants us to invest in people (using our house) so that we might bear the fruits on the other side of heaven.  My prayer from day one of this move has been that we might be used to further His kingdom.  If my house can exude anything good, let it be the love of Christ.

A few more tears were shed, and then KLOVE played a perfect song- what a surprise.  NOT.  God's got me covered.   I just needed a good smack on the head and a strong reminder that there's a much bigger picture here.  Losing sight of that wasn't helpful.  Now with only a few days left until the movers appear, I'm confident that whatever frustrations take hold with boxes, or lost articles, or chaos, there's a perfect God who has it all under control.

That's the truth.

1 comment:

  1. Although I'm sorry you had a rough moment, I love your clear perspective. I have had the same feeling about wanting the spirit of the love of Christ to be felt by everyone who comes through our doors. It's a wonderful blessing to have a home with that kind of feeling. I'm so glad you'll be in it soon.
