Thursday, July 21, 2011

Thing 8

We've been gone for a week and just returned.

In our "old life" friends would call and see if we were back.  Neighbors would notice the car in the driveway after an absence, and come over to briefly catch up.

That's hardly the case here.  No complaints.  It's just the way it is for now.

One thing hasn't changed, however.  Our 3 furry "children" can't contain themselves when we waltz through the door.  You'd assume we were lugging suitcases full of catnip for all the excitement they possess.  It's a true welcome home party, cat style.  No matter where we go or where we live, these 3 are always happy to see us- especially after a long period away.

No one else may notice our absence here, but to these 3, we were missed.

And that's thing #8 I love about this move.

1 comment:

  1. Glad to know you are back. Not quite "home" but back. wishing you well as you engage in your next adventure tomorrow. Gretchen
