Monday, October 31, 2011

No electricity part 2

You'd think after enduring a hurricane and no electricity back in August, we'd be good for the rest of the year.  NOT.

The Nor'Easter came blowing in on Saturday and dropped six inches of snow- in OCTOBER- taking our power with it.  Thank God we had plenty of firewood outside.

One day turned into two, then into three and finally, our power was restored tonight.  The town actually recommended Halloween be postponed until Saturday (out of safety), since most people didn't have power yet.  Crazy, isn't it?

Sure it was cold and uncomfortable, but I have to say- there's plenty worse we could have been forced to endure.  For all it's frustration, we enjoyed our time as a family in the confines of our home, passing the time away without electricity.

Charlie honed his fire starting skills (under parental supervision, of course).
The kids played chess multiple times, and took me to the cleaners once.
Books were read and finished.
We learned to "cook" over an open fire and even pulled out the smore fixins for dessert.

I'm done getting in touch with my inner Colonial self.  No more living in the dark.  No more cooking over open fires.  No more going without warm water and modern appliances.  Six days of it in two months time ought to earn me a pass on the next storm.  And please, for the love of Pete, don't ever invite me to go camping.


1 comment:

  1. Seriously!?!?!?! That's amazing, Lori! I've never (knock on wood) been out of electricity for more than a few hours. Here's crossing our fingers it won't ever happen to you again!
