Thursday, September 8, 2011

What next?

Anyone have a great joke to tell?  Because I could use some laughter right about now.

It's fast becoming the running joke around here, to ask "what next?"  Surely in reading this blog, you've been prone to think the same.

Let me put to rest the notion that we're back to normal.  The plumber has been called- our kitchen sink overflowed and the entire kitchen floor was covered in water.  Suffice it to say, it was NOT a good evening.  Or the normal one I'd been aching to have.  Thank God for two helpful kids who could run and get the neighbors.  Who couldn't use a little neighborly bonding over a broken pipe?

Laughter IS the best medicine, and I intend on overdosing today.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I said you should look up some funny YouTube videos and gave you a link to someone who had a list of funny clean videos. Then I started checking out the link. And they weren't clean. And weren't funny. So...sorry.

    I guess trouble doesn't always come in threes. Life WILL get better. It WILL! :)
