Thursday, June 30, 2011

Thing 4

Last night we had a walk through of the house.  It was the first time the kids had been inside, and they gave it their approval.  Whew.  Glad we can a pick a house of which they approve.  Around 9pm, we were hanging outside finishing up the tour, and I noticed something (actually 2 things) we didn't have in Oakville:

Deer in the front yard of the neighbor's house

The kids missed seeing the deer, but the good thing about fireflies ("lightning bugs" to NJ natives) is they're hard to miss.  They entertained themselves for twenty minutes observing and attempting to capture the bugs.  Surprisingly, the bugs crawled around their hands, still putting on a light show.  If you've never seen these little creatures, they are a true signal of summer, and a kid's delight.  It was pure joy watching my kids relish in the simplicity and excitement of God's creation.

Thing #4 I love about New Jersey?  Fireflies.

Deer in the neighbor's yard
Charlie and Audrey 
See the firefly on her thumb?

1 comment:

  1. I've always wanted to see fireflies! So fun!

    Deer are a pain, though, even though they're beautiful. Ours eat EVERYTHING. :)
