Saturday, June 18, 2011

Love your neighbor

   Purchasing a slice of Lexington Rd. gave us the neighborhood JACKPOT.  If I were to sum it up in two words it would be this: All Canadian.  Kids play in the street together, the women have a monthly book club, BBQs and pool parties go on all summer long, and in the winter we have a chili cook-off.  My kids have best friends here, and we don't worry about them running from house to house- it's SAFE.  When I have a cooking emergency (and it's happened too many times over the years) I have several go-to gals that come to my rescue.  We love this neighborhood so much that we refused to leave it, even when the house felt too small for our family.  That says something.

    These people love to get together.  That's what's different here- they gather not just because they're close in proximity, but because they're FRIENDS.  Many are original owners and have seen their kids grow up side by side.  Almost Norman Rockwell-ish if it wasn't so Canadian.  It's hard enough to find good friends, but to have them live on your block is winning the lottery.  This is a one in a million place and we've been blessed enough to be a part of it for a short while.

Last night they gave us a going away party.  (see pictures below) As quirky Americans, we were touched and beyond words to know our lives had an impact.   Our opinions were often different.  Our approaches to parenting varied.  Certainly our perspective of being outsiders looking in, made for some interesting conversations over the years.  No matter- they cared for us and enfolded us into the crowd.  You can't ask for more than that.

Lexington and Blackcombe- kudos to you for what you have accomplished.  We will represent you well as we go forward, and make sure that America knows Canadians are valuable friends.  You will be greatly missed.

The new house will be our fourth as a couple.  Each move has given us a better neighborhood than the previous one.  Honestly, I'm just giddy at  the thought of how God is going to knock our socks off in the next location.  We pray expectantly.  Go God!


  1. Lori, what an amazing neighborhood! I can imagine that it will be hard to replicate, but I think you're going to have some wonderful friends ahead since you're such good people. We reap what we sow.

  2. Lori, Love your post and so happy you are keeping up a blog! What a wonderful neighborhood you have been a part of. I wish you and your family all the best as your journey moves you on :) I will miss you here in Canada!!
