Monday, December 10, 2012

Tomorrow, you're only a day away!

Tomorrow our lives are all going to change.  For the better.

Except for the cats.  They're about to have a really long vacation in the cat lair, if I can predict anything.

E-dog will arrive around 11:30 and I also predict I'll be a bit like a first time mom.  How do I hold her? Can I feed her this way? How often should she go out?  Is it ok if she....and on and on it goes.

Puppy parenting isn't for the faint of heart.
And puppy parenting a future Seeing Eye dog is only for the very brave, I'm discovering.
Today I finished reading the 100+ page manual that tells me all the things we need to do or not do in the next year.  My head just exploded a little- alright-, a lot.  If she were our dog, we could blow it on the training and live with the consequences.  She's not our dog, and therein lies the difference.  The foundation is expecting us to do certain things that will manifest in her being ready to move on to phase two of her training.  Can you feel the pressure I'm under?

It's like that age old question: "How do you eat an elephant?"  "One bite at a time".  There's comfort in this truth.  I'm overwhelmed by this manual that tells me all the things I must strive towards in the next year with her.  Of course it's good to have goals but when you try to take them on all at once, it's bound to weigh you down.  So for now, I will pray my way through this (as I should) and learn to take it one day at a time.  For this here planner, it's going to be a tough lesson to learn- to take each moment, each hour and each day slowly.

I will fail, I know this.  There will be many times that she won't make it outside in time, and it will be my fault.  She will find some crumb of food that she's not to have, and it will be my fault.  She will chew on a piece of furniture when I've turned my back, and I'll be to blame.

But she will succeed too, and those moments will surpass all the failures, the trials and the stress.

I can't wait to begin this adventure tomorrow.

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