Sunday, November 20, 2011

Thing 23

Just a bit ago, I was looking out my front window watching my children play soccer in the front yard with our neighbor's kids.  Five kids in all, and everyone was involved.  From ages six to ten, they all managed to find a spot on the field and do their part to contribute to the game.  I love this!

They've figured out how to play together, boys and girls, siblings and friends- without any coaxing from us adults.  These kids are unique in that they find treasure in being outside, more than being in.  On a day like today, in late November, with temperatures hovering around 60, they're relishing every minute of outdoor time.

Childhood disappears in the blink of an eye, and the thing I love about this move, is that my kids are basking in their youth with simple games of soccer, exploring the creek, and games of chase.  They bounce from house to house, playing happily for hours on end, until one of us has to make a call saying "send them home!".  It's a good problem to have.

Here's to many more years of cheering from the sidelines- Go kids!

1 comment:

  1. LOVE it. So fantastic to find a neighborhood like that. And a creek to boot? Jealous!
